
Apps are the core building blocks of your cloud platform experience. They represent your containerized applications running within app spaces. In this section, we will explore various aspects of app management, including creating new apps, managing services, working with volumes, adjusting settings, and deploying your containers. Let’s dive in!

Creating New Apps

To create a new app, navigate to the Apps section of the console or use the “Create New App” button. You’ll be prompted to provide an app name and select an app space to host your application. Once created, your app will appear in the list of apps on the “My Apps” page. [more]

App Navigation and Sections

When you enter an app, a new menu section will appear at the top of the left menu, displaying the app name. This menu provides convenient access to different sections related to your app. Let’s explore each section:


The Main section is the default landing page when you access an app. It allows you to manage the source code of your application. You can import your source code from repositories like GitHub, making it easy to maintain and update your app’s codebase.


The Services section enables you to manage additional utility containers associated with your app. These can include databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, caching systems like Redis, or web servers like Nginx. You can add, configure, and manage these services to enhance the functionality of your app.


The Volumes section allows you to manage Docker volumes associated with your app. Volumes provide persistent storage for your containers. You can create, attach, and detach volumes as needed, ensuring your app’s data is preserved even when containers are restarted or recreated. [more]


In the Settings section, you can fine-tune various configurations for your app. You can add custom domains to your app, manage SSL certificates, and configure other application-specific settings. Additionally, you can delete your app from this section if needed.


The Deploy section provides a visual representation of your containers and volumes. Each container is displayed as a square, indicating its name and associated controls such as run, stop, restart, open shell, and open log. You can also adjust hardware resources for individual containers, ensuring optimal performance within the limits of your app space.

App Management Tips

Here are a few additional tips to help you effectively manage your apps:

  • Regularly update your app’s source code to incorporate new features, security patches, and bug fixes.
  • Monitor your app’s services and volumes to ensure smooth operation and efficient resource utilization.
  • Optimize resource allocation by adjusting RAM and CPU for each container based on your app’s requirements.
  • Keep an eye on your app’s disk usage and manage volumes effectively. Remove unused volumes or increase disk size when necessary.
  • Utilize the Settings section to configure custom domains, SSL certificates, and other app-specific settings as needed.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of app management on our platform. Explore the various sections and features mentioned above to make the most out of your app spaces and containerized applications. For more in-depth information on specific topics, refer to the relevant sections in the documentation.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, our support team is available to assist you. Additionally, feel free to join our community on Discord for discussions, insights, and tips from fellow users.

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